About Alik Ismail-Zadeh

o   EOS (Earth & Space Science News), American Geophysical Union, 14.07.2009: Alik Ismail- Zadeh Receives 2009 AGU International Award: Citation and Response (in English)

o   Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT-Intern Newsletter, No. 6/09: Citation (in German)

o   German Newspaper Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN), 30.03.2010: Ein typisch deutscher Aserbaidschaner (in German)

o   Newspaper “Vyshka”, Baku, Azerbaijan, 19.03.2010: «Известный ученый в гостях у юных геологов» (in Russian)

o   Russian Educational Journal “Science and Life” (Наука и жизнь), 27.08.2012: «Прогноз землетрясений: необходимые и достаточные условия» (in Russian)

o   Lukoil Oil Bulletin, 12.09.2012, No. 17 (242): «Не падайте духом, ведь с нами Голицин!» (in Russian)

o   EARTH magazine, American Geosciences Institute, 15.12.2013: Be prepared: Navigating the risks of hazards research / Balancing Acts of Communication (in English)

o   EOS (Earth & Space Science News), American Geophysical Union, 10.08.2015: Focus More on Societal Concerns (in English)

o   German Newspaper Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN), 18.08.2015: Mehr Risikoforschung (in German)

o   Science in Ural (Nauka Urala), 16.03.2018: Уравнение для лавы (In Russian)

o   Poisk (newspaper of the Russian science community), 30.03.2018: Сценарии для лавы. Математики вычислят последствия извержения вулканов (in Russian)

o   Sky/Sema (Azerbaijanian science popular journal, No 1-2), 2018: К счастью, нас много (in Russian)

o   Xinhua, Beijng, China, 23.08.2018: International Earth Science Forum focuses on sustainable development (in Chinese with English transl.)

o   El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico, 25.10.2018: Planet Earth and Earth Sciences - Geophysics 100 Years (in English and Spanish)

o   EOS (Earth & Space Science News), American Geophysical Union, 24.02.2020: Alik Ismail- Zadeh Receives 2019 AGU Ambassador Award: Citation and Response (in English)

o   About an invited lecture at BSU, Baku State University, 01.09.2022: Professor of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology delivers lecture at BSU (in English)

o   Interview with the editor of the newspaper of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences: , Part I, 20.12.2024; Part II, 27.12.2024; Part III, 10.01.2025: The main reward is the discovery itself (in Russian)

o   Interview for the Baku's newspaper "Бакинский Рабочий / Bakinskiy Rabochiy", 26.12.2024: A tool of science diplomacy (in Russian)