Photo Gallery
Muscat, Oman
January 2025
At the Third General Assembly of the International Science Council (ISC)
Baku, Azerbaijan
November 2024
At the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP29).
From left to right: Arif Hashimov - Secretary General of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS),
Irada Huseynova - ANAS Vice President, Isa Habibbayli - ANAS President, Salvatore Arico - ISC CEO,
and Alik Ismail-Zadeh - Chair of the IRDR Scientific Committee
Karlsruhe, Germany
October 2024
Inaugural lecture for Research Professor (PD) position. Dean Hansjoerg Kutterer is handing out a PD diploma
Beijing, China
October 2024
At the IRDR Conference.
Baku-Mardakan, Azerbaijan
August 2024
At my mom's 90th birthday party.
Mom is sitting in the front row in the center (with bouquets of flowers on both sides)
with her sisters and surrounded by her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and relatives.
Vienna, Austria
April 2024
Enjoying a dinner after the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union
Rome, Italy
30 September 2023
Near Vatican, over the Tiber, during the visit of INGV Rome
Tel Aviv, Israel
1 April 2023
In the old city Jaffa after a symposium in theTel Aviv University
Baku, Azerbaijan
1 September 2022
Lecturing at the Baku State University
Karlsruhe, Germany
4 July 2022
Near the Castle in Karlsruhe (Photo: Joerg Donecker)
Lauterbad, Germany
25 December 2021
Christmas in the Black Forest
Karslruhe, Germany
Lockdown during COVID-19
Gifts from Baku: sweets, fruits, caviar, and dolls :-)
San Francisco, USA
11 December 2019
Receiving the Ambassador Award at the AGU Fall Meeting
(with AGU President Robin E. Bell)
Budapest, Hungary
World Science Forum, 20-23 November 2019
Convening a panel discussion
Upper panel (from left): Elisa Reis, Vice-President, International Science Council (Brazil);
Stephanie Balme, Dean of the Undergraduate College, SciencesPo Paris (France);
Daya Reddy, President, International Science Council (South Africa);
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President, European Research Council (Belgium);
Alexander Khlunov, Director General, Russian Science Foundation (Russia);
Elena Manaenkova, Deputy Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization (Switzerland);
Atish Dabholkar, Director, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Italy);
Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Secretary of the Governing Board, International Science Council (Germany)
(photos: courtesy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Beijing, CHINA
15 October 2019
Together with Jinghai LI (President, National Natural Science Foundation of China; left)
and Wan GANG (President, China Association for Science and Technology; Minister of Science
and Technology of China, 2007-2018)
28 August 2019
85th birthday of my mother, together with my sister, son, and brother
100th Anniversary of IUGG at UNESCO, 29 July 2019
Talk "Centennial of the International Cooperation in Earth and Space Sciences" (photo: UNESCO/C.Alix)
Presentation of the HGSS Special Issue on the IUGG History to H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco (photo: UNESCO/C.Alix)
Together with Lassina Zerbo (Executive Secretary, Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization - CTBTO)(photo: IUGG)
Together with Sierd Cloetingh (President, Academia Europeaea)(photo: IUGG)
Montreal, CANADA
27th IUGG General Assembly, 8-18 July 2019
Presentation of an Honorary Membership at the Closing Ceremony by IUGG President M. Sideris (right) and Vice President K. Whaler
IUGG Presidents: T. Beer [2007-2011, left] and H. Gupta [2011-2015, right]
IUGG Secretaries General: G. Balmino [1991-1999], J. Jocelyn [1999-2007], and A. Ismail-Zadeh [2007-2019]
At the Opening and Award Ceremonies
Geneva, Switzerland
At the United Nations Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, 15 May 2019
Washington, D.C., USA
Near U.S. Congress, December 2018
Barcelona, SPAIN
Presentation of elected Members of Academia Europaea (2018)
Mexico City, MEXICO
Executives of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (2015-2019)
Together with Carlos Slim attending the IUGG reception at the Colegio Nacional
Margarita Cocktail (tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice)
served with salt on the rim of the glass)
Elected officers of the International Science Council (2018-2021):
Jinghai Li, Daya Reddy, Renee van Kessel, Elisa Reis, Peter Gluckman,
and Alik Ismail-Zadeh, as the first Secretary of Council
(Photo: Simon Cassanas, July 2018)
Above: My speech at the inaugural General Assembly of the International Science Council
Left: togehter with Walter Munk (oceanographer and geophysicist, 101 y.o.)
Right: together with Ismail Serageldin (Founding Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina)
(Maison des Oceans, Paris, July 2018)
Volga River, Plyos, June 2018
Hawaii, USA
Paradise Cove Luau, Kapolei, June 2018
Al-Khazneh (The Treasury), Petra, November 2017
Republic of China (Taiwan)
At the ICSU General Assembly, Taipei, October 2017
Together with Roald Sagdeev, former Science Advisor to President Michael Gorbachev (right),
his female PhD student and my son David (left). Background: the bas-relief of Lev Landau,
Nobel Prize winner in Physics, who lived in the house), Baku, September 2017
UNISDR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Cancun, May 2017
With Jaime U. Fucugauchi (left), President of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, and Xyoli P. Compos,
Director of the Seismological Survey of Mexico, El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City, May 2017
UNESCO, Paris, February 2017
At poster session of the AGU Fall Meeting with V. Kossobokov (left), L. Jones, and R. Singh, San Francisco, 2016
Czech Republic
At the Opening Ceremony Reception with IUGG President Harsh Gupta (right), LOC Chair Vladimir Cermak (left),
and with actors, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, 2015
After the GeoRisk Commission meeting with colleagues and friends, 26th IUGG General Assembly,
Prague, 2015
New Zealand
I introduced Andrew Mackintosh (IACS SG, left) to RH John Key (New Zealand Prime Minister,
in the middle) and Yuan-Tseh Lee (ICSU President, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, right),
31st ICSU General Assembly, Auckland, 2014
Together with M. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, 2014
Cancun, 2013
With family, Antalya, 2012
With Jean-Louis Le Mouel of IPG Paris at a dinner, Bacau, 2012
Saudi Arabia
With Dr. Al Bassam of King Saud University, El Riyadh, 2012
A joint party on the occasion of Sonya's and my birthdays, with relatives and friends, Baden-Baden, 2011
My 50th birthday, with colleagues, Rome, 2011
After the ENHANS symposium with speakers, 25th IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, 2011
CTBTO Science & Technology Conference, Vienna, 2011
South Africa
ENHANS field trip to the Tswaing impact crater, Pretoria, 2011
At the ENHANS dinner, Pretoria, 2011
The Great Wall of China, with Sonya and David, 2010
Pyramid of Khafre and the Sphinx, near Cairo, 2010
EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), Torino, 2010
South Africa
Cape of Good Hope, 2009
Receiving the AGU International Award at the American Geophysical Union and
Canadian Geophysical Union Joint Meeting, Toronto, May 2009 (with AGU President Timothy Grove)
Niagara Falls, near Toronto, May 2009
Near Nobel Peace Centre, Olso, 2008
At the ICSU General Assembly with Tom Beer (IUGG President, left) and Harsh Gupta (IUGG Vice President, right), Maputo, 2008
Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Kiev, 2008
Lido, Champs-Elysees, Paris, 2007
With a baby elephant, Bangkok, 2006
Mosque in Islamabad, 2006
BMW motorcycle, ESOF, Munich, 2006
Kyoto, 2007
Tokyo, 2005 (with S. Honda)
Fuji Mountain, 2005
Sapporo, 2003
With colleagues at the IUGG GeoRisk Commission conference, Hyderabad, 2004
With my PhD student Dmitry Krupsky at the Euroscience Open Forum, Stockholm, 2004
Italy, ICTP Workshop in Trieste, 2003
Lecturing at the workshop
Together with Vladimir I. Keilis-Borok, my teacher and adviser
With seimologists Keiiti Aki (Japan-USA) and Giuliano Panza (Italy)
United States of America
I organized a Session on Computational Geodynamics at MIT, Cambridge, 2005
MIT, Cambridge, 2003
Boston, USA, 2003
German-Swiss workshop on Numerical Modeling in Geodynamics, ETH, Zurich, 2002
We are in Germany / Wir sind in Deutschland
Happy family, October, 2002
Reception in the official residence of the Federal President of Germany, Berlin, June 15, 2001
Sonya Salman (left) and Mrs. Rau (right), spouse of the Federal President
of Germany
Berlin, June 15, 2001
Koeln Cathedral, August 20, 2001
Sonya Salman and Dr. M. Osten, Secretary General of the AvH Foundation, play SCHUBERT, Bonn, August 21, 2001
Reichstag in Berlin, August 22, 2001
We are in Alps
French Alps / Francais Alpes, June, 2001
German Alps / Deutsche Alpen, August, 2001
Beautiful EUROPE
Trinity College, University of Cambridge, England, May, 2000
London, England, July, 2000
Uppsala University, Sweden, October, 1998
Venice, Italy, September, 1995
USSR/Russia - End of the 20th Century
International Institute of Earthuqake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, January 2000
Academician Vitaly Ginzburg (a theoretical physicist and Nobel Prize winner in Physics) presented me
a book about Andrei Sakharov "To Alik Ismail-Zadeh with appreciation from one of 72 co-authors of the book",
after my talk at the Landau-Ginzburg Moscow Seminar on Theoretical Physics, Moscow, Russia, 1997
Academician Andrei Sakharov (a nuclear physicist and Nobel Peace Prize winner) and
PhD student Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Sankt Petersburg, USSR, October 1988