Alik T. Ismail-Zadeh
thesis: Numerical solution to one special system of ordinary differential
M.Sc. thesis: On diffraction of inner waves in oceans.
Ph.D. thesis: Gravitational
instability of visco-elastic structures: Application
to lithosphere dynamics.
D.Sc. dissertation: Numerical
modeling of geodynamic processes associated with sedimentary basin evolution.
P.D. lecture: Data-driven
numerical modeling in geodynamics.
- 2022-2008, Chief Scientist/Research Professor, Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical
Geophysics (IEPT),
Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Moscow, RUSSIA
- 2016-2005, Visiting Research Professor, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, FRANCE
- 2021, 2015-2001, Director/Lecturer of workshops and conferences,
The Abdus Salam International Centre for
Theoretical Physics, Trieste, ITALY
- 2014, Invited Professor, University of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, Beijing, CHINA
- 2012-2003, Research
Scientist, Geophysical Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Karlsruhe, GERMANY
- 2008-2005, Invited
Professor, Earthquake Research
Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
- 2007-2005, Foreign
Associate, Earth Simulator
Center, Yokohama, JAPAN
- 2003,
Invited Professor, Department of Earth,
Planetary & Space Sciences, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- 2003 - 2002, Senior Researcher, WSM
Project, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, Heidelberg, GERMANY
- 2002 - 2001, A. von Humboldt
Research Fellow, Geophysikalisches Institut, Universitaet
Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, GERMANY
- 2000, Royal Society
Visiting Scholar, Institute of
Theoretical Geophysics, University of Cambridge, UK
- 1999, Invited Professor,
Department of Physics,
University of Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma, ITALY
- 1999, Invited Professor,
Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
- 2000-1998, Executive
co-Director, Italian-Russian Institute on Advanced Geophysical Studies,
Moscow, RUSSIA
- 2000-1998, Associate
Professor, I.M. Gubkin
Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, RUSSIA
- 2000-1998, Visiting
Scientist, Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SWEDEN
- 1999-1996, Post-Doc and
Visiting Scientist, Centre for Parallel
Computer, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SWEDEN
- 1998-1990, Researcher,
Senior Research Fellow, IIEPT,
Moscow, RUSSIA
- 1996, Visiting
Scientist, Department of
Geosciences, University of Mainz, Mainz, GERMANY
- 1995, Visiting
Scientist, Department
of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
- 1995, Post-doc, Division
of Applied Geophysics, University of
Trieste, Trieste, ITALY
- 1990, Researcher, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Azerbaijan
National Academy of Sciences, Baku, AZERBAIJAN
- 1990-1987, Full-time
post-graduate student, Schmidt Institute of
Physics of the Earth, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RUSSIA
- 1986-1983, Junior
Researcher, Institute of Geology and Geophysics,
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, AZERBAIJAN
- 2022, Fellow, International
Science Council (ISC)
- 2021-2023, Lecturer,
Geophysical Union (AGU) College
of Fellows Distinguished Lecture Series
- 2019, Ambassador
Award, AGU
- 2019, Fellow, AGU
- 2019, Fellow,
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
- 2018-2021, Secretary,
International Science Council
- 2017, Ordinary Member,
Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe)
- 2013, Honorary
Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society, London
- 2012, Axford
Distinguished Lecture Award, Asia Oceania
Geosciences Society (AOGS)
- 2011, IUGG Union
Commission on Geophysical Risk and Sustainability Honorary Member
- 2009, International
Award, AGU
- 2007-2019, Secretary
General, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
- 2007, Elsevier Most Cited Paper 2004-2007
- 2001, Alexander von Humboldt Research
Fellowship Award
- 2000, Royal Society Research Fellowship
- 1999, Russian President B. Yeltsyn Fellowship Award for Doctor of Sciences
- 1997, Swedish Institute Scholarship Award
- 1995, Italian Ministry of Education,
Universities and Research Scholarship Award
- 1995, Academia Europaea Prize and Medal to
Early Career Scientists
- 1995, IUGG & Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
Travel Awards
- 1994, European Geophysical Society Travel Award to
Young Scientist
- 1993, Soros International Science Foundation
- 1991, IASPEI travel award
- Member,
PhD Committee, Department of Civil Engineering, Geo- and Environmental
Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Member,
Advisory Board, the Chicxulub Center for Scientific Research and Advanced
Studies, Merida, Mexico (2024-present)
- Member,
Scientific Council, International Institute of Earthquake Prediction
Theory and
Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (1993-2022)
- Member,
Evaluation Council for Ph.D. theses and D.Sc. dissertations (in
Supreme Certifying Commission of the Russian Federation, Moscow
American Geophysical
Union (AGU)
- Member (2022-2025), Honor
and Recognition Committee
- Chair (2019-2022), Outreach and Engagement Committee, Section of Natural Hazards
- Chair (2017-2018), Graduate Award Committee, Section
of Natural Hazards
- Chair (2015-2017), Member (2013-2014), International
Award Committee
- Member (2014-2015, 2007-2008), Panel of Experts on Revision of the
Natural Hazards Statement
- Member (2011-2012), Task Force on Grant Challenges
- Member (2010-2012), AGU Council
- Founding President (2009-2012), Immediate Past President
(2013-2014), Natural Hazards Focus Group
- Member (2007-2008), Panel of Experts on Natural Hazards
- Director (2001-2010), AGU Outreach Center in Russia
- Member (2000-2006, 2008-2010), Committee on International
- Convener of Union, Natural Hazards, and Tectonophysics sessions
European Geosciences
Union (EGU)
- Chair (2014-2018), Sergey Soloviev Medal Committee
- Convener of Natural Hazards and Geodynamics sessions
Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology (EUROSCIENCE)
- Elected Member (1997-2002), Governing Board
- Chair (1998-2012), Working Group “Science and Urgent Problems of
- Co-Chair (1997-2002), Working Group “East-West Cooperation”
- Convener of several symposia/sessions or an invited speaker at the
Euroscience Open Forums (ESOF)
in Budapest (2002, the one before the first ESOF), Stockholm (2004),
Munich (2006), Torino (2008),
Barcelona (2008), and Dublin (2012).
International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
- Chair, Commission on Mathematical Geophysics (2019-2027)
- Secretary-General (elected, 2007-2019)
- Member, Scientific Program Committees, 27th General
Assembly, Montreal, Canada (2017-2019)
- Chair (2004-2007), Past Chair (2007-2015), Founding co-Chair
Commission on Geophysical Risk and Sustainability
- Member, Site Comparison Committee (2014, 2018)
- Member, Fellows Selection Committee (2014, 2018)
- Member, Scientific Program Committees, 26th General
Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic (2013-2015)
- Member, Scientific Program Committees, 25th General
Assembly, Melbourne, Australia (2009-2011)
International Science Council (ISC, since
International Council
for Science (ICSU, 1931-2018)
- Chair (2014-2017), Vice-Chair (2012-2014), Member (since 2008),
Steering Committee, GEOUNIONS,
- Co-Chair, Ad-hoc Expert Group on Disaster Risk Assessment,
International Council for Science (ICSU)
and International Social Sciences Council (ISSC)
- Member (2011-present), Science Panel, Initiative on U.N. International
Year for Global Understanding
- Member (2010-2011), Panel
on Strategic Plan Development for the International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
- Member (2007-2009),
Council of the ICSU Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data
Other international and intergovernmental scientific
groups and organizations
- Member (2024-2025), UNDRR/ISC
Hazard Information Profiles Review Committee,
Geneva, Switzerland
- Scientific Council Member (2018-present), UNESCO-ICTP-East African
Institute for Fundamental Research (EAIFR), Kigali, Rwanda
- Member (2020-2022), Disaster Risk
Reduction Working Group, Group on Earth Observations
(GEO), Geneva, Switzerland
- IUGG Principal Liaison (2019-2023) to the UNESCO
Earth Sciences and Geoparks Section
and the International Geoscience Programme, Paris, France
- Advisory Board Member (2018-2020), Science for Disaster Risk
2020 Report, Disaster
Risk Management Knowledge Centre, European Commission
- Advisory Board Member (2019), Global Assessment Report 2019,
United Nations
Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
- Council Member
(2017-2018), Scientific Board of the UNESCO-IUGS
International Geoscience
Program (IGCP)
- Member (2016-2017),
Science and Technology Program Committee,
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Principal Delegate
(2015-2019), intergovernmental Group on Earth
Observations (GEO)
- Member (2011-2019), Scientific
Program Committee, S&T Conference series, Preparatory
Commission for the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)
- Member (2012-present), Steering Committee, Asia-Pacific
Region Global Earthquake and
Volcanic Eruption Risk Management (G-EVER)
- Member (2007-2010), Board of Directors, International Year of
Planet Earth (IYPE)
- Member (2007-2009), Council of the ICSU Federation of Astronomical
and Geophysical Data Services
- Member (2005-2007), Science Working Group, IGOS-Geohazards
- Member (1993-1995), EUROPROBE Task Force “GeoRift:
Geodynamics of Intracratonic Rifting”
- American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, Associate Member
- American
Geophysical Union, Life Member (since 1993)
- European
Geosciences Union, Member (since 2003)
- European
Geophysical Society, Member (1996-2002)
- EuroScience, Founding Member (since 1996)
- Reviewer of research
articles for the peer-reviewed research journals:
Geosciences: Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica; Earth-Science Reviews; Geology; Georisk;
Geophys. Geochem. Geosys. (G3); Geophysical Journal
Geophysical Research Letters; Geoscience Communication;
GeoMarine Letters; Global and Planetary Change;
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; Journal of Disaster Research;
Journal of Geodynamics; Journal of the Geological Society of India;
Journal of Geophysical Research; Journal of Quaternary Science;
Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering; Natural Hazards;
Natural Hazards Review; Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences;
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics; Physics of the Earth and Planetary
Physics of the Solid Earth; Pure and Applied Geophysics;
Scientific Reports - Nature, Tectonophysics, Terra Nova.
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: Applied Mathematics and Computations;
Computer and Structures; International Journal of Thermal Sciences;
of Computational Physics; Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
- Reviewer of the book
proposals for the Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, and Springer
- Reviewer
of the European Research Council
- Reviewer
of the European Union Framework Programs
- Reviewer of the EU-INTAS
- Reviewer
of the Czech Science Foundation
- Reviewer of
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Reviewer
of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) Grant
Programs (2012-2014)
- Reviewer
of the French National Research Agency (ANR)
- Reviewer of FONDECYT
- Reviewer
of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Reviewer
of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science
- Referee,
PhD theses and DSc dissertations in Geophysics and Applied Mathematics
(some 20 dissertations in several countries)
(2023-present), NPJ Natural
Hazards, Nature Portfolio Journals
Associate Editor
(2015-present), Surveys in Geophysics,
(2016-present), Russian Journal of Earth Sciences,
Russian Academy of Sciences
(2015-present), Transactions, Earth
Sciences, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
(2011- 2023), Special
Publication Series of the IUGG, Cambridge University Press
(2018-2024), Journal of Volcanology
and Seismology, Russian Academy of Sciences
(2018-2020), Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences,
Academy of Sciences of Albania.
(2013-2016), Advisory Board for Research Reviews, Natural Hazard Science,
Oxford University Press
(2006–2008), Associate Editor (2004-2006), Computational
Seismology and Geodynamics,
American Geophysical Union
(2003-2010), Editorial Board, Computational Seismology, Russian Academy of
(2007-2019), Electronic Newsletters of the International Union of Geodesy and
Guest Editor
(2006-2007), Natural Hazards, Springer
Studies of dynamics of the
crust, lithosphere, and mantle and their surface manifestations
(including sedimentary basin evolution, salt tectonics, seismicity, seismic and
lava flow hazards)
through multidisciplinary synthesis, theoretical analysis, and numerical
research (key words): computational
geodynamics; data assimilation (inverse problems)
in models of crustal and mantle dynamics; development of quantitative methods
for geodynamics;
geothermal evolution of sedimentary basins; salt diapirism;
modelling of seismicity; block-and-fault
dynamics of the lithosphere (earthquake simulator); evolution of descending
mantle plume evolution; lava flow and lava dome dynamics; science diplomacy;
science history.
Lava Flows
and Domes
- Volcanic
lava hazard evaluation based on lava flow with debris.
- Assimilation
of surface temperature and heat flux into lava flow models.
- Models
of lava dome-building at Volcan de Colima, Mexico.
- Assessment
of lava viscosity from lava dome morphology
Hazards and Risk
- Quantitative
models of a fault network interaction in the Tibet-Himalayan region to
seismicity and slip rates at major regional faults.
- Model-seismicity-based
probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) and its application
to the Tibet-Himalayan region.
for the Vrancea region (Romania).
- Seismic
hazard and earthquake risk assessment for the Baku city (Azerbaijan).
Inverse Problems and
Data Assimilation in Geodynamics
- Introduction
of data assimilation in models of geodynamics and applications to mantle
plume evolution.
- Reconstruction
of lithospheric plate sinking in the south-eastern Carpathians.
- Reconstruction
of the western Pacific and Philippine plate subduction beneath the
Japanese islands and
implication on the Japan Sea opening.
- Reconstruction
of flow and temperature inside volcanic lava flow based on surface
- Restoration
of sedimentary basin evolution complicated by salt tectonics: application
to Pricaspian basin
of the East European platform.
Lithosphere Dynamics and Tectonic Stress
- Understanding
of tectonic stress localization and its change in the lithospheric slab in
of style of the slab subduction.
- Explanation
of coexisting shortening - extension and seismic activity in the Central
by the buoyancy of the lithosphere.
- Tectonic
stress localization in the Vrancea earthquake-prone body beneath the
south-eastern Carpathians.
Gravitational and
Thermal Instability
- Theoretical
results in problems of Rayleigh-Taylor and Rayleigh-Bernard instabilities
of the (geo) structures
including analysis of Newtonian, Maxwell, non-Newtonian power law, and
perfectly plastic rheologies.
- Applications to salt
diapirism: Models
of salt structure evolution in the Pricaspain
Basin and in the Gulf of Mexico.
Sedimentary Basins
- Introduction
of eclogitization-induced mantle flow mechanism
for sedimentary basin evolution.
- Quantitative
models of the evolution of intracratonic sedimentary basins in North
America (Illinois,
Michigan and Williston basins), East European (Dnieper-Donets, Moscow,
Pre-Ural, Timan-Pechora basins),
and Siberian (Tunguska and Viluy basins)
- Models
of geothermal evolution of the Astrakhan Arch of the Pricaspian Basin.
- Fading
mantle upwelling beneath the East European sedimentary basins and its
surface manifestations.
Numerical Methods (2-D
and 3-D) to solve geodynamical problems
- New
numerical methods and algorithms of an enhanced accuracy to study problems
of Earth’s dynamics.
- Numerical
methodology for data assimilation in geodynamics (backward advection,
and quasi-reversibility methods).
scientific organizations, science diplomacy and history
- The
role of international geoscience organizaitons
in promoting scientific research.
- Science
diplomacy for disaster risk reduction.
- History
of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
- 34rd IUGG Conference on Mathematical
Geophysics, Mumbai, India, 2-7 June 2024
- Union Symposium “Geoscience
and Mathematics for Sustainable Development”, IUGG General Assembly,
Berlin, Germany, 12 July 2023
- 33rd IUGG Conference on Mathematical
Geophysics, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 20-24 June 2022
- Joint ICTP-IUGG Workshop on Data
Assimilation and Inverse Problems in Geophysical Sciences,Trieste, Italy, 18-29 October 2021 (online)
- Workshop on
Science Diplomacy to Promote and Strengthen Basic Research and
International Cooperation, U.S. National Academies, 12-16 March 2021
- Session
“Advancing Global Resilience and Fostering Cross-border Cooperation
through Disaster Diplomacy Effort”, ESOF 2020, Trieste, Italy (online)
- 33rd
IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, 22-26 June 2020 (postponed to
- Centennial
of the International Cooperation in Earth and Space Sciences, UNESCO
Headquarters, Paris, France, 29 July 2019
- Principal
organizer, Worldwide Celebration of the IUGG
Centennial, 2019
General Assembly of IUGG, Montreal, Canada, 8 – 18 July 2019
Science and Technology Conference, Member of the Scientific Program
Committee, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 June 2019
Science and Technology Conference, Member of the Scientific Program
Committee, Vienna, Austria, 26-30 June 2017
- U.N.
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Session on Science and
Technology’s Engagement, Cancun, Mexico, 22-26 May 2017
- Session
“Seismic Hazard and Disaster Risk: Assessment, Testing, and
Implementation”, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017
- Panel “Industry Perspectives on Natural Hazards
and Disaser Science: Research Needs and
Opportunities”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 12-16 December 2016
- Session “Seismic Hazard and Disaster Risk:
Assessment, Testing, and Implementation”, EGU General Assembly,
Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016.
- Session
“Science for Disaster Risk Reduction: From Integrated Research and
Assessments to Communication and Engagements”, AGU Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, USA, 14-18 December 2015
- Conference
“Future Earth & Space Science and Education”, Abdus Salam
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 2-6 November
General Assembly of IUGG, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June – 2 July 2015
Science and Technology Conference, Member of the Scientific Program
Committee (Vienna, Austria, 21-25 June 2015)
Science and Technology Conference, Member of the Scientific Program
Committee (Vienna, Austria, 17-22 June 2013)
Joint Meeting of Americas, Member of the Scientific Program Committee
(Cancun, Mexico, 14-17 May 2013)
- First
IUGG GRC Conference “Extreme Natural Events and their Impacts”, Member of
the Scientific Program Committee (Orange, California, USA, 11-14 December
- NH
Sessions “Geohazards and Disaster Risks in the North Pacific Region” and
“Asia-Pacific Region Global Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Risk
Management” at the AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, California, 3 December
- Union
and Natural Hazards session “Predicting extreme events in natural and
socio-economic systems” at the AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco,
California, 5-6 December 2011)
General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
(Melbourne, Australia, 27 June – 8 July 2011).
symposium U02“Grand Challenges in Natural Hazards Research and Risk
Analysis” (Melbourne, Australia, 29 June - 2 July 2011).
- Symposium
U05 “Data Science/Informatics and Data Assimilation in Geophysical
Models”, XXV IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia (28 June – 7 July
symposium “Natural Hazards and Disaster Risks in the Middle East Region”
(Antalya, Turkey, 7-8 May 2011)
Workshop “Natural Hazards and Disaster Risks in Africa”, Pretoria, South
Africa (17-20 January 2011).
Symposium “Extreme Natural Events: Modeling, Prediction and Mitigation”,
AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, 12-17 December 2010).
Symposium “Natural Hazards and Disaster Risks in Latin America and the
Caribbean”, AGU Joint Meeting of Americas (Iguassu, Brazil, 9-10 August
- Symposium
“Data assimilation and model validations”, IUGG Conferences on
Mathematical Geophysics (Pisa, Italy, June, 2010).
CODATA symposium on geophysical data (Kiev, Ukraine, 5-8 October 2008)
- Conference
"Earth Science for Society" (Karlsruhe, Germany, 4 August 2008)
Workshop on Natural and Human-Induced Hazards and Disasters in Africa
(Kampala, Uganda, 21-23 July 2007).
- Union
Symposium “High-Performance Computations in Geosciences”, IUGG XXIV
General Assembly (Perugia, Italy, 2-13 July 2007).
- IUGG-EuroScience Symposium “Riding the Storm: Can Science
Keep us in the Saddle?” at the 2nd European Science Open Forum
(Munich, Germany, July 2006).
- Science
Advisory Committee member and organizer of the Special Session
“Mathematical Aspects of Geohazard Research”, the 26th IUGG
Conference on Mathematical Geophysics (Israel, June, 2006).
Workshop “Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and
Sustainability in the Black Sea to Caspian region” (Baku, Azerbaijan, July
- Symposium
“Computational Fluid and Solid Geodynamics: Methods and Challenges” at
M.I.T. (Cambridge, USA, June 2005).
- IUGG-EuroScience-NATO workshop “Risk Science, Society and
Sustainability” at the European Science Open Forum (Stockholm, Sweden,
August 2004).
- Symposium
“Computational Fluid Geodynamics” at M.I.T. (Cambridge, USA, June 2003).
- Session
on geophysical risks at the General Assembly of the International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Sapporo, Japan, 2003).
- IUGG-Euroscience Advanced Research Workshop (Budapest,
Hungary, 2002).
- Session
at the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (The Hague,
The Netherlands, 1999).
- Workshop
at General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (Tel Aviv,
Israel, 1998).
- Sessions
at Zonenshain Conferences on Plate Tectonics
(Moscow, Russia, 1995, 1998).
Energy Technology Company, Houston, USA
Milan, Italy
- Exxon,
Houston, USA
Moscow Russia
- Data-driven modelling in lava flow (Principal Investigator, PI), received
from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), 2020-2023.
- Numerical
modeling of lava dome dynamics and stability (PI), received from
the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), 2019-2021.
- Unravelling the areas prone to large earthquakes in the
Caucasian region (PI),
received from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG), 2016-2019.
- Modeling
of volcanic lava flow with breccias (PI), received from the Russian
Science Foundation (RSF), 2014-2016.
- Modeling
of lithosphere dynamics and seismic hazard assessment (PI),
received from the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013-2015.
- Evolution
of descending lithospheric slabs as inferred from assimilation of
geophysical, geodetic and geological data (PI), received from Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft,
- Mantle plume dynamics, heat flow changes and
maturation of hydrocarbons (PI),
received from the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, 2009-2010.
- Three-dimensional
numerical modeling of salt extrusion and raft evolution (PI),
received from Chevron, Houston,
USA, 2007-2009.
- Numerical
assimilation of geological and geophysical data in models of geodynamics (PI),
received from the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, 2006-2007.
- Salt
extrusion and deformations in salt's overburden (PI), received from
Chevron, Houston, USA,
- Quantitative
approach to coupled structural
and thermal restoration of salt-bearing sedimentary basins: Application to
the Pricaspian salt basin, received from Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft,
- Numerical
modeling of dynamics of descending lithosphere and ascending mantle
plumes: implication for seismicity and magmatism (PI), received from the
Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003-2005.
- Numerical
approach to backward modeling of mantle convection (co-PI), received from
the NSF, 2003.
- Quantitative
modeling of crustal and uppermost mantle motions caused by sinking relic
slab: Application to the earthquake-prone Vrancea region (PI), received
from the A. von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 2001-2002.
- 1999-2002,
Conversion of R&D in Missile Navigation to Nonlinear Problems in Earth
Sciences (co-PI and Project Director), received from the European Union
via the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC). The project
was mentioned as one of the best ISTC projects in 2000. The project’s
results were reported to Mr. V. Putin, President of the Russian
Federation, among the best international interdisciplinary scientific
- Numerical
modeling of motions of rheologically
heterogeneous media (PI), received from the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research, 1999-2001.
- Quantitative
modeling of rheologically stratified geostructures (PI), received from the Royal Society of
London, 2000.
- Quantitative
modeling of the evolution of salt structures in the Pre-Caspian basin
(PI), received from Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1997-2000.
- Numerical
modeling of salt dome evolution (PI), received from Russian Foundation for
Basic Research, 1997-1998.
- Quantitative
modeling of interaction between mantle flows and lithospheric plates, and
formation of sedimentary basins (Co-PI; Project Coordinator was Prof. W.
Jacoby, University of Mainz, Germany), received from INTAS (Brussels),
- Numerical
modeling of relic slab sinking (PI), received from the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research, 1995-1996.
- Computational
Geosciences for Sustainable Development (co-Leader), received from the
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), 2023.
- Applications of Data
Assimilation and Inverse Problems in Earth Sciences (Leader), received
from International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG),
- Future Earth and Space Science
Education (Leader), received from International Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics (IUGG), 2015.
- Extreme Natural Hazards and
Societal Implications (Leader), received from International Council
for Science (ICSU) and UNESCO, 2011-2013.
Geophysical Outreach Center in Russia (Director), received from ExxonMobil Exploration Company, 2005-2008.
- Recent
Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainability in the
Black Sea to Caspian region (Director), received from UNESCO, IUGG, and AGU, 2005.
- Risk
Science, Society and Sustainability (Co-Director), received from NATO, 2004.
- Science
for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of Society
(co-Director), received from NATO,
Born: Baku, Azerbaijan
Status: Married to Sonya Salman, concert pianist. Son David
Languages: Azeri, English, German, Russian, Turkish
- 1976-1978,
High school No. 134, Mathematical Class for Gifted Children, Baku,
Azerbaijan (awarded by the Gold Medal for Excellence in Education in 1978)
- 1967-1976,
Bül-Bül Music high school (graduated
with magna cum laude as a pianist)